

パンを買って公共料金を払った以外は家でずっといる。前は家にいるのが嫌で喫茶だのスタバだのやってたんだけど、今日は、ほとんどずっと寝ている始末。さすがに卒論もせっぱ詰まってきたので本を読むけど、まだ内容がちゃんと決まらない。どうしようかな。 …


I totally, totally, appreciate my luck. I have been looked for the ring which my ex roommate gave me for about 1 week. That ring means so special to me, so I was just upset and sad because that wasn't in my room, in my pockets, below kotat…

The one's name, you wanna know?

Hey it was Halloween yesterday. I and you-san got together and peeled an apple. Then each of us threw the skin of the apple at the wall, then... here they were, "the initial"s of "the one"!! Ah, however, I didn't know exactly about how thi…

