
It's been about two weeks since I started to read science books that I had never read before. I studied biology in a highschool, and I wasn't good at it, like I only got the average mark after trying kinda hard.
Anyway, it's a new challenge for me, and I believe that I can change something, or maybe I want to find something to change. Science books I'm currently reading is below:



  • 作者: Bruce Alberts,Alexander Johnson,Martin Raff,Peter Walter,Dennis Bray,Julian Lewis,Keith Roberts,中村桂子,松原謙一,藤山秋左夫
  • 出版社/メーカー: 南江堂
  • 発売日: 1999/02
  • メディア: 大型本
  • 購入: 2人 クリック: 3回
  • この商品を含むブログ (8件) を見る
Biology may remind you of this girls comic written by Satoru Hiura.Itaru Hirama, a good-looking highschool teacher who changes an ordinary girl into like a princess, says, "A creature is beyond our expectation." You don't really know what's gonna happen in us biologically. I loved to read "Playgirl K" when I was a teenager, and even now, thinking of how Keiko started to change herself encourages me in some way.